On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Danish Engineers’ Association (Maskinmestrenes Forening), Ocean Plastic Forum received several donations from members of the association. We at OPF are deeply grateful for these donations, and we extend our sincere thanks to all those who contributed:
- TJM Forsikring
- PFA Pension
- DK Metalarbejderforbund
- Akadermikernes A-Kasse
- Dansk Metalarbejderforbund
- Danske Rederier
- Force Technology
- Ledernes Hovedorganisation
- Den Danske Vedligeholdelsesforening
- Suomen Konepaallystoliitto
- Beierholm
- HK Stat og Kommunal
- Metal Maritime
- Dansk Formands Forening
- C.C. Jensen A/S
- Dansk Færgehistorisk Selskab
- Simac Advokatfirmaet Martinelli I/S
- Handelsflådens arbejdsmiljø- og velfærd
- Akademikerne AC
- Konstruktørforeningen Messecenter Herning A/S
- Dansk Industri
- Forbundet Kultur og Information
- Jørn Wetterberg
At OPF, we are committed to utilizing these donations for a unique and significant purpose. Therefore, we intend to brainstorm different ideas in collaboration with the members of the Danish Engineers’ Association on how to spend the money in the most meaningful way possible.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the donors for their support in our efforts to battle the ocean plastic waste problem.