Plastic does not belong in our oceans
Let’s collect and recycle it
Ocean Plastic Forum receives million-funding to remove ghost nets in Øresund
With official project launch on the 1st of September, the project "Collection of Ghost Nets - and the Story of it - in the Marine Nature Reserve Øresund" is now up and running. In the project, the association, in collaboration with our partners, will register and...
From Sea to Shelf: Partnerships – what are they worth?
How do we ensure effective partnerships? This was one of the questions our speakers tried to...
Event at the National Aquarium
Where does the responsibility lie when it comes reducing our consumption of non-recyclable...
OPF signs collaboration agreement with startup company acckon ApS
A new collaboration agreement has been reached between OPF and acckon ApS in the project...
Who we are
Ocean Plastic Forum is an association comprising around 35 members, including interest groups, NGOs, universities, and diverse companies. Our goal is to clean up the oceans by means of business models that remove ocean plastic and transform it into new products through upcycling.
Our members
The ocean plastic problem
Ocean plastic is a complex and wicked problem – and so is fixing it. At Ocean Plastic Forum, we see ocean plastic as a valuable resource that can be used in the circular economy.
Together with our members, we develop more sustainable value chains that collect and recycle ocean plastic, in Denmark and abroad.
Our aim is to create a strong platform for innovative ideas, concepts, and programs that will bring us closer to achieving our collective objective of a cleaner marine environment.
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Ocean Plastic Forum
Sankt Annæ Plads 16
1250 Copenhagen K,
CVR-number.: 39860910
+45 30 29 30 72