Ocean Plastic International Matchmaking, 5th December 2023

Oct 19, 2023 | Previous events

OPF is, in collaboration with CLEAN and Enterprise Europe Network, hosting the fifth edition of our online conference Ocean Plastic International Matchmaking (OPIM). The conference is a networking event dedicated to creating contacts to potential investors, customers, suppliers, developers, research institutes and cooperative partners within the emerging ocean plastic industry. It is an alternative to traditional conferences, where the right partner organizations can be difficult to find.

During the day you will gain insights from our three keynote speakers outlining within the ocean plastic prevention and recycling domain:

Coming changes to international legislation. Key challenges for achieving a legally binding UNEA plastic treaty. Lars Fogh Mortensen, Expert in Circular Economy at the European Environmental Agency, and the official EU Observer at the UNEA. 

The largest ocean cleanup in history. Ocean Cleanup is a frontrunner, having tackled plastic pollution in the ocean since 2013, having successfully reduced the size of the Pacific Ocean garbage patch as well as taking steps in the Indian Ocean. Tatjana Scroggie, Head of Supply Chain, Ocean Cleanup.

Upcoming funding and investment opportunities. Introduction from Innovayt to international funding, grants and investments within ocean plastic prevention. Luisa Marques, Innovation Consultant, Innovayt.

Before and after the presentations, you will be able to prebook online B2B meetings with other participating organisations across the ocean plastic supply and recycling chain. The B2B meetings last up to 30 minutes and you have the possibility to meet with as many companies and organisations as you can fit in the day. As soon as you sign up for the event, it will be possible to see other participants and their company profiles – and find the ones that could be interesting for you and your organization to meet.

In parallel with the online meetings, there will be an innovative track, where it will be possible for a number of organizations to pitch their research project, innovative product or solution to potential investors, companies and research and commercial partners. Are you interested in pitching? Then fill out the form “Expression of Interest” and send it to lkn@oceanplasticforum.dk.

Does your organization have an interesting product, a service or an initiative for a project coordination? Then the marketplace is what you are looking for. Here it is possible to present these to potential investors and other interested organisations – and meet future partners organisations.

OPIM is a global event, and the official language is English. Program start is 14.00 CET – but it is possible to book online B2B meetings both before and after the presentations.

The price for the event is 25 EURO + VAT (OPIM is a non-profit organization and the price is only dedicated to cover the technical assistance). There is free access for OPF’s members.