Event at the National Aquarium

May 21, 2024 | Previous events

Where does the responsibility lie when it comes reducing our consumption of non-recyclable products? And how do we ensure that they don’t end up as waste in the oceans?

These were some of the questions discussed at the conference “Save The Baltic Sea: a hike, a conference and a promise” yesterdat at Den Blå Planet, National Aquarium Denmark.

After an exciting and informative presentation from the Save The Baltic Sea hiking group about their journey so far, we heard from Søren Laurentius Nielsen from Tænketanken Hav about the increasing pollution in the Baltic Sea, and why it is essential to collaborate across border to adress this issue.

Yvonne Shashoua gave us insight into Nationalmuseet‘s research on microplastics, and then Isabel Aagaard, co-founder of LastObject, presented the idea behind the company that sells a range os reusable everyday products.

The panel discussion included important points from the four participants: Lars Fogh Mortensen (B), Gittemarie Johansen, Thomas Drustrup from Plastindustrien og Isabel Aagaard – as well as questions from the engaged audience. With representatives from different sides of the debate, it was an interesting discussion about responsibility, priorities and possible solutions.

In addition to the informative presentations and the panel discussion, the event also included a tour of the aquarium, where the participants got closer to, and learned more about the animals.

NB. The event was co-financed through Save The Baltic Sea og Interreg South Baltic Programme via the Circular Ocean-bound Plastic project.